Partnering with Purpose

We are committed to progressing lives everywhere through positive global change. We specialise in delivering expertise to global businesses in Technology, Advanced Engineering and Energy, pioneering sectors that are changing the world and creating a cleaner, better future.

of our employees agree that we’re committed to providing equal opportunities for everyone.
nationalities are represented across our five global offices.
of our employees identify as women, and 45% of employees promoted this year identify as women.
of our C-Suite team are women or from minority ethnicities.
Our internal initiatives


ED&I starts from the top, and we ensure our diverse Group leads by example.

  • ASCEND programme
  • Inclusion advocates
  • Local office committees
  • Prayer rooms
  • Religious holiday-swaps
  • Family@Amoria
  • Lean-In circles
  • Let's Talk circles
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • ED&I training

To learn more about these initiatives,

Get In Touch!
Project Trees

We also give back to the planet with every milestone we achieve as a business, planting:

  • 1 tree for every NPS survey completed by our customers and consultants
  • 10 trees for every employee each year
  • 100 trees for every employee promotion and consultant deployed
  • 1,000 trees for every new office opened

Since July 2020 we’ve exceeded our target and planted over 104,000 trees globally!